Delete Own Comments and Markers
In this section you will learn how to delete annotations and comments you have created. Note that this always deletes attached annotations and file attachments as well.
You delete either starting from your comment in the right-hand sidebar or from the marker in the asset. However, deleting always removes both parts, the comment and the selection.

Open the review, see Find and Open Review.
In the right sidebar, find the annotation you want to delete.
Click on the annotation > ... > Delete.
The comment or marking and the associated annotation are deleted.

Search for and open the review, see Find and Open Review.
Click the
icon in the right-hand sidebar.
Activate the checkboxes for the annotations you want to delete.
Click the trash icon at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar.
Click Delete.
A confirmation prompt is displayed.
You have deleted the annotations.

Find and open the review, see Find and Open Review.
Search for the marking on the asset that you want to delete.
Click on the marking.
Click the trash can icon in the tool palette.
The tool palette is displayed.
The marking and the associated annotation are deleted.

Search for and open the review, see Find and Open Review.
Find a marking on the asset that you want to delete.
Press the Ctrl/CMD key and click on all the markings one after the other that you also want to delete.
Click the trash icon in the tool palette.
The tool palette is displayed below the last marking you clicked on.
The markings are deleted.

If you have accidentally deleted an annotation, you can undo the process with Ctrl + Z/CMD + Z or the icon in the toolbar. Restoring also works after deleting a multiple selection.